A week ago our web host ONE.COM had problems with their MySQL database.
During that time (more or less a day) our site was inaccessible. Quickly I made a database backup, just in case.
We contacted their support, who confirmed the problem and promised us that it should be solved in a day or two, thay said that we should not need to worry about making a database backup. And later during the day, it was fixed.

The day after I went to my blog to write a post, due to my challenge.
But, I couldn’t log in. WordPress stressed that I sent dual headers, so it couldn’t log me in.
Well. Let’s see here.
I could log in the day before yesterday, but not today.

To me it was obvious. Something had happened to the database during the time it was inaccessible.
So I contacted One.com‘s support. Needless to say, they wasn’t much of a help. After 5 days of back and forth, ping-pong they wrote “..you could always reinstall the whole system”.

So now I’ve switched to our Dreamhost account. The site will probably be a little slower for swedish visitors (it’s located in the US), but this is a temporary fix until I’ve gotten myself a decent web host (Dreamhost is quite ok, though).

However, the challenge continues!

As you can tell by following this blog, I’ve cheated a lot during this challenge. It didn’t fit to write one post a day, I seem more accustomed to writing fewer but longer posts. I believe that quality is more important than quantity.

Quick tips:

* Clean up after yourselves!
* Take responsibility for your self, show your friends that you care about them.
* Hug other men.
* Clean up after yourselves!
* Listen to others. Women and kids especially. The Modern Man listens to others, rather than talking themselves.
* Participate in the household and work hard to learn all the stuff you didn’t learn as a child.
* If you got a family, remember this: You are a father, not a CEO. In that order as well, ok?
* Wear pink sometimes, when you dare.
* Never get drunk around children. If you need to get stoned, or hammered drunk, get a room or travel away. Kids don’t deserve to hang around idiots who’ve chosen to become less conscious about their presence, and it’s just not cool.
* Remember to play. It is as important in work situations as in home situations. Play is key.
* You can’t claim to love another person at the same time as you hurt that person. If you love someone, you don’t hurt him. Try to compare you lovers with your closest friends, what kind of demands would you put on those?

Well, there you have it! A list with quick tips to becoming more modern!

Tokyo by night
Photo by Formfaktor

“Kom igen nu kompis!”
“Nu kör vi istället, vad säger du?”

Du sitter liksom i förarsätet fast du fattar det typ inte. Trampar inte på gasen, sitter och bludar. Vi åker på en helt egen väg och jag är bara här tillfälligt, zappas snart vidare.

Så jag ruskar om dig litet snällt samtidigt som jag viskar:
“Kom igen nu kompis!”
“Nu kör vi istället, vad säger du?”

Och du vaknar upp ur din djupa dvala och svarar:
“Oj, är det sÃ¥? Ok, men vi tar det försiktigt, det var sÃ¥ länge sen jag körde, ok? AlltsÃ¥ jag vill ju inte krocka. Du fattar va?”

“Ah jag fattar. Det är lungt, det finns säkerhetsbälte och jäkligt schyssta försäkringar. HejdÃ¥, vi ses sen pÃ¥ den stora vägen kanske, mellan äventyren alltsÃ¥!”

Recently when I was developing a web site, I got a comment from one in the design team, who didn’t think we had followed their specifications close enough.

“Why is the first heading on the first page “Start Page” ? Why isn’t it “Welcome to XXXX!” as we said in the specification?”

Well, this is actually a really good question, and it got me thinking. As a user, if there isn’t a clear bread crumb, highlight or anything else that indicates where on the site I am, I will get confused.

The web is not print!

A really good example of bad usability is this blog. It’s difficult to gasp who writes it, what it is about and how you navigate it, if you haven’t used a similar blog before.