I’m very grateful for all the work, friends and cool things that I’ve been experiencing during the three years I’ve been stationary in Stockholm.
But now it was time to move on!

  • No more known roads or paths.
  • No more vacation.
  • No more lunch boxes.
  • No more pay checks.
  • No more commuting to and from work.
  • No more signs in Swedish.
  • No more coffee breaks.

That is a lot of “no”s, yes?
So what am I really saying?

I’m saying yes to:

  • Hitchhiking from Poland to India (at least) with Amanda.
  • Delivering high quality content throughout Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the rest of the world (perhaps?).
  • Earning my dough in a direct way by delivering direct value.
  • Meeting lots of random, beautiful people during all times of the day.
  • Drinking coffee in different places all over the world.
  • Camping at random days during the whole week (I love tents and fresh air).
  • Extending the very short, but oh-so-sweet Swedish summer into a 365-days long summer.
  • Learning new skills, languages and trades (and master some of them).
  • Spend time and really get to know the people that I’ll meet on this path.

I’ve got two main reasons for doing this:

  • Amanda
  • Flying dreams

First then, Amanda.
Without her, I would never have taken this decision. Not in this way. I would probably still be working at Fröjd and spent vacations instead of quitting. Now, when we’re two persons trying this out together, it feels much more meaningful to me and it isn’t half as scary. “Home is wherever I’m with you”, is very true to me.

Second, dreams about flying.
Isn’t it a bit crazy to change your daily life just because your sleeping life is boring? Hopefully you’ll think so 🙂 .
During my childhood I spent most of my nights flying, having lucid dreams or fighting criminals. Now, when I’ve been stationary at the same workplace for three years I havn’t had a single dream where I’ve gone flying.

I remember having one when I visited Norway on my first vacation. But that was like two years ago. My dreaming life is at least as important to me as my waking life. It affects my decisions, alter my feelings and changes my destiny.
Now when I’m traveling again I’ve had countless of dreams where I’ve gone flying. The first one when I arrived in Poland!

I’m very proud to present mangomanjaro.se!
Please follow me on my latest project as we discover Eastern Europe, The Middle East and the rest of the world.

Vackra dem är, människorna på bussen. Uppiffade inför arbetsdagen. Nyparfymerade, nyduschade, nyklädda. Vissa kanske har ätit en god frukost och druckit en kopp espresso. Andra kanske föredrar te.

Någon hade ett barn i sitt knä, vars hand knappt nådde runt förälderns finger. Fina kläder, konstiga glasögon, mustiga dofter, unika ansikten. Och alla stod still, på en och samma plats i tystnad. Några flörtade lite. Jag bara förtrollades alla dem som åkte i bussen, de var så vackra.

I traveled to La Solane for a date with Amanda.



Shopping window

Shopping window

Dead dove

In Perpignon I found some remains of a dead bird.



La SolaneLa Solane.

La Solane

La Solane

Amanda Nelson and Yavor

Yavor and Amanda and Nelson. Yavor is a great storyteller and knows much about everything. Nelson is a very good guitar player and loves to build things. He is very funny and sweet as well.

Amanda Nelson and Yavor

Nelson and Amanda

Amanda and horse

Amanda and horse


Horses with lots of flies.

Yavor and Robin

Me and Yavor.

French landscape

French landscape

French landscape

French landscape

Amanda and Robin

Due to the weather, we couldn’t hang glide. So instead we went to Céret and had lunch. The lunch was delicious: We had fruit bread with avocado and soft cheese on a park bench. To that, we drank Vanilla Coke! Céret was filled with love. People were smiling and singing. The sun was shining and the smell of spring flowers was in the air. We kissed each other after every tenth step or so. Life’s sweet!

Amanda and Nelson

Amanda and Nelson.

AmandaAmanda. I probably smiled just as much as she did when I took this photo. I smile that big now, when I’m writing this 🙂 .

Today when a client asks me to build a web site containing:

  • Blogs, members need to be able to blog
  • Marketplace, like eBay
  • Photo gallery
  • Forum
  • Calender
  • Editorial space (for articles and fluffies)

my advice to them is always the same.

“You don’t need to. Let’s use what’s already out there”

Our roles as web developers/ web strategists is shifting within this new era when most of the base functionality such as blogs, social networks, calenders, project collaboration and even video editors are actually available for free already! In this vast space of terabytes there is more then enough apps to meet the customers need. Why reinvent the wheel?

Most of the traffic/market/people/users are already on Facebook for example. How do we reach them through that specific channel? Within Facebook there are room for groups, events, messages and even community based games. It’s perfect!

So, insted of forcing the users to join yet another social network / sign up for a campaign, let’s make it easy for them. That should be our main goal, I think. To make it easy for the user.

ps. If any customer feels targeted by this, don’t. I get requests like these all the time, and there is nothing wrong with it. It’s just up to us web // whatever  (we’ve got LOTS of different titles, but mostly we are the same) to get you on the right track. It’s our responsibility as experts to lead the field and to make the best out of your initial idea.