I traveled to La Solane for a date with Amanda.



Shopping window

Shopping window

Dead dove

In Perpignon I found some remains of a dead bird.



La SolaneLa Solane.

La Solane

La Solane

Amanda Nelson and Yavor

Yavor and Amanda and Nelson. Yavor is a great storyteller and knows much about everything. Nelson is a very good guitar player and loves to build things. He is very funny and sweet as well.

Amanda Nelson and Yavor

Nelson and Amanda

Amanda and horse

Amanda and horse


Horses with lots of flies.

Yavor and Robin

Me and Yavor.

French landscape

French landscape

French landscape

French landscape

Amanda and Robin

Due to the weather, we couldn’t hang glide. So instead we went to Céret and had lunch. The lunch was delicious: We had fruit bread with avocado and soft cheese on a park bench. To that, we drank Vanilla Coke! Céret was filled with love. People were smiling and singing. The sun was shining and the smell of spring flowers was in the air. We kissed each other after every tenth step or so. Life’s sweet!

Amanda and Nelson

Amanda and Nelson.

AmandaAmanda. I probably smiled just as much as she did when I took this photo. I smile that big now, when I’m writing this 🙂 .

“Ve’re all proud of our country und are raised to try and achieve ze Austrian dream – find a job, get a dungeon und raise a family in it,” – Brüno