“Ve’re all proud of our country und are raised to try and achieve ze Austrian dream – find a job, get a dungeon und raise a family in it,” – Brüno

I ride my bike everyday to work and back. It’s great! Stockholm is adapted for bikes and there isn’t much cars compared to other cities. But even though they are few compared to most other major cities, they bug me as a cyclist. I grew up in Visby, where there hardly is any traffic at all (with the summer as an exception). The air in Stockholm is quite dense and smells terrible of exhaust gases. This is especially true if you ride your bike amongst them, as I do. So as a little experiment I will wear this respirator as a protection against the dust, the particles and the exhaust gases.

My respirator

At the end of this week (after three days of commuting) I will compare the images of the mask.
Sounds like fun? Please KOPIMI, and do this yourself!