Just as I had walked my friend home after school, he ran out and screamed after me.
“ROBIN! You gotta see this! Hurry!”

I remember it as if it were yesterday.

Days afterwards the world were holding it’s breath.
What were they going to do?
Was it the beginning of a new era?
Who was fighting, and why?

My eyes dried up, I couldn’t possibly believe what I saw, even though the TV-channels were repeating the same clips over and over and over again.

The thick smoke, filled with dust that spread all over the city, absorbing all it’s citizens without any hesitation or mercy.

I wanted it to happen.

Our tent

When I and Hanna was traveling around Scotland in the summer ’05 we met a strange couple of police officers.
They approached us as we were setting up our tent in the towns national park (yes, it actually is legal in Scotland).
“Heya! It’s totally OK that you camp here, in our fine town. Do ya mind if we ask how ya got here?”
“No, sir! We hitch-hiked here from Oban, with one of your fine politicians. A very nice old man.”
“Oh is that so? Well, we just wanted to welcome you to our town, but with a little warning!
The youth here is quite messy, adn sometimes they even stay up until 01:00 o’clock!
So, please be careful and keep an eye on yer tent”
“Why, what do ya think they will do?”
“Put it on fire, hit you, rob you, rape you… They can do whatever fucking crime there is.”

This actually frightened us.
Stay up late? Who DOESN’T?
We decided that we would find the youth of this very small town.
And so we did.

When we met them, they were burning some tires and cones, getting hammered with vodka and smoked some of that brown.
We approached them with a smile, introduced ourselves as drifters from Sweden.
“Ya know about Henrik Larsson? He’s a friend of ours!”
The last line is always a bit risky. Sometimes the Scots are fans of the Celtics, and sometimes they’re not.

We talked to them about the police, and soon found out about the ongoing war between them.
“Yeah, you see. Every weekend it’s the same. We get hammered and the police beat us, steal our drinks and smokes and drive us home. We always fight them back, the best we can. Hey, by the way, what’s the price for a fiveish in Sweden…?”

They were no threat, and never was.
The only threat was the mind of those police who abused them every weekend.

This morning I arrived at Visby airport. The sun was shining from a clear, blue sky and it smelled… nothing but flowers and fresh sea.

My parents had insisted that they would pick me up and drive me home. But, as I arrived earlier than I had told them that I would, I got a few minutes to just enjoy the present. These minutes of merely experiencing and conceiving your idea about your present, letting yourself not be and then merge with your environment, is to me, very important.

The idea is that I focus on something that is close hand to myself, like whispering trees, cloud formations or just a piece of earth. I use to just lie down on the ground, and breathe. Whether or not I will keep my eyelids open, I’ll know in time.

The benefit from doing this involves that I feel connected to the Source, the Universe, God, my mind, or whatever it is (have you heard of nature, huh?). It’s quite relaxing, and… forgiving in a way. I don’t know if it is because of the soil (some scientists claim that soil contains relaxing pheromones), or if it relates to the breathing part (if you know of diaphragmatic breathing) .

Crying and even euphoric chills sometimes occur!

For a little more than one year I’ve been applying a set of techniques to get the most out of my life.
The result is very pleasing and quite convincing.

It is based upon the idea that my experience of our reality is dictated by my thoughts. Just like my body odor is based upon what I ate yesterday, my experience and the things that occur to me is based upon previous thoughts and intentions and my ability to cease and match the opportunity’s that manifest!

For myself, it usually follows something of a pattern:

  1. Idea or intention. You visualize something you wish or don’t wish for. You fantasize about something you want or don’t want. In example, I’m used to dreaming of things that I WILL experience. When I was a kid I dreamt a lot about kisses and how it would feel. In waken reality it felt EXACTLY as in my dreams. One of the things that I still haven’t experienced yet though, is the dreams where I fly only by “doing it” 🙂 .
  2. Alpha reflection. The universe show you that your intention/thought/wish/whatever have been registered by giving you a small token that usually shouldn’t be in your reality. Some strange randomness that reminds you of your intention manifests.
  3. Match. This is where the magic happens. You have to become a match with your intention. Be open for the opportunity that WILL manifest, and be ready to take action! You have to strive for your intentions every day in a relaxed and positive manner. Let the energy flow, and let the world come to you.
  4. Manifestation. You’ve become a match to your intention and together you’ve manifested. You’ve made it come true.

This might seem a bit too easy to be true, and if you just thought so, then it probably is true then.
You see where I’m aiming at?

Oh yeah, don’t forget about one thing!
Don’t make it harden than it ought to be!
You want money?
Go get a job!
You want friends?
Start talking to people!

I’m not sure how to take this any further by not going into a big discussion about reality and how it is constructed, so I’ll wrap this up and save it for later.

Peace out and please post your replys, questions, arguments, laughs, thoughts, threats and ideas! I would love to discuss this further!

Me, myself and I

Today I got dared by my friend Sanna to write a post a day. I welcome this dare, and will go through this trial during 30 days, with one post a day.

One of my goal is to learn and become a better writer. One of my shortcomings in writing is that I often explain each concept not nearly enough, as if the reader would hold the same background information as myself. I used to believe that the shorter the post, the better for the reader. As Ive been reading more myself Ive experienced a shift in this belief. The posts that I use to like the most are the ones that throughout explain each concept so that you really can grasp, and understand what it really means. Communication is only effective when you communicate in a way that other understands.

I will write about different subjects each day, but mostly it will surround practical ideas of mine (or others) that applies to everyday life, and maybe a comic book review or two.

If you would like to comment the posts or give feedback, I would really love to hear it! Please comment as much as you like, email me or give me a trackback if you got your own blog.
I promise that I will answer every kind of feedback that I get, as soon as possible!