“Because the economics of the music business is so bad for musicians, you don’t have to send more than a dollar before you have compensated them fairly for downloading an entire album.” – TIMES

What they seem to forget is the writers, producers and other essentials who don’t get compensated. But the thought of fair compensation without record companies, publishers and retailers are without any doubt interesting.

The distribution is there: MySpace, Last.fm, The Pirate Bay and Spotify (and others).

2 thoughts on “An album for 4$

  1. Aa, sa det var DÄR skon klämde!

    Hur gar det för övrigt med grejen?

    Kramar Pontus

  2. Det går framåt! Skall publicera lite mer info sen!
    Jag vill läsa om din vardag i San José!

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