For a little more than one year I’ve been applying a set of techniques to get the most out of my life.
The result is very pleasing and quite convincing.
It is based upon the idea that my experience of our reality is dictated by my thoughts. Just like my body odor is based upon what I ate yesterday, my experience and the things that occur to me is based upon previous thoughts and intentions and my ability to cease and match the opportunity’s that manifest!
For myself, it usually follows something of a pattern:
- Idea or intention. You visualize something you wish or don’t wish for. You fantasize about something you want or don’t want. In example, I’m used to dreaming of things that I WILL experience. When I was a kid I dreamt a lot about kisses and how it would feel. In waken reality it felt EXACTLY as in my dreams. One of the things that I still haven’t experienced yet though, is the dreams where I fly only by “doing it” 🙂 .
- Alpha reflection. The universe show you that your intention/thought/wish/whatever have been registered by giving you a small token that usually shouldn’t be in your reality. Some strange randomness that reminds you of your intention manifests.
- Match. This is where the magic happens. You have to become a match with your intention. Be open for the opportunity that WILL manifest, and be ready to take action! You have to strive for your intentions every day in a relaxed and positive manner. Let the energy flow, and let the world come to you.
- Manifestation. You’ve become a match to your intention and together you’ve manifested. You’ve made it come true.
This might seem a bit too easy to be true, and if you just thought so, then it probably is true then.
You see where I’m aiming at?
Oh yeah, don’t forget about one thing!
Don’t make it harden than it ought to be!
You want money?
Go get a job!
You want friends?
Start talking to people!
I’m not sure how to take this any further by not going into a big discussion about reality and how it is constructed, so I’ll wrap this up and save it for later.
Peace out and please post your replys, questions, arguments, laughs, thoughts, threats and ideas! I would love to discuss this further!